eParamus Blog

learning professionals working on learning program
Instructional Design

Why Is Behavior Change the Key to Learning Measurement?

Measurement is a mystery to many people in our profession. That’s a shame because measurement is the only way learning pros can show their value to the businesses they serve. There is a deep connection between the work we do and business outcomes. At its most basic, learning adds capability to a business. It helps

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learning measurement success for learning and instructional design professionals
Instructional Design

Learning Measurement Success, One Client At a Time

It can be difficult to be the first in anything. The first person to push back on common practice often gets hit with a mountain of ridicule from those who have done the same thing forever. When you are the first, others tell you all the reasons why what you are doing is wrong. You

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learning outcomes are enabled by learning design standards
Learning Measurement

This Is Why Design Standards Are Essential for Learning Measurement

For almost 10 years, I’ve helped training professionals learn how to measure their learning programs. In doing this, we’ve proved to them that making this link shows their contribution to organizational success. Over the years, there has been progress. At first, it was a trial to get learning professionals to think past the survey and

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What Are Your L&D Resolutions for 2017

All too soon another year comes to a close. For many of us, December and January offer time for reflection. It’s time to review the past year and think ahead to the new one. Have you reviewed your accomplishments of 2016 or begun to create your resolutions for 2017? As the year ends, I hope

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Task vs. Outcome: Why One Matters More Than the Other

Here is an illustration of why task vs. outcome matters. Imagine you had to pick a surgeon. Would you base that decision on the orderly way she kept her surgical tools? Or on how she always finished her surgeries on time? What about how much her colleagues liked her? No, those aren’t the most pressing

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This Is Why Project Management is Important—But Not Your End Goal

Businesses need people with project management skills. It’s a handy skill to have if you want to drive an initiative in the business world. In fact,  Learning and Development (L&D) teams often need to use project management skills. But there is a problem. L&D has become hyper-focused on project management. For some reason, project management

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This Is Why Your Learning Budget Lands On the Chopping Block

Your personal budget woes can teach you a lot about your learning budget. When you run tight on funds, you get ruthless with your money. You divide your life into must-haves and nice-to-haves. Must-haves are those things you can’t run a household without. Mortgage payments. Power bills. Water bills. Phone charges. Your Starbucks lattes, craft-beer

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Does It Matter Who Designs Learning Programs? Part 3 Of A 3-Part Series

In the first post of this series, I explained how the “language of business” isn’t really about the terms we use as learning and development (L&D) leaders. Rather it’s a failure of education. In the second post, I explained how to use education to change the perception of L&D for the better. In this post,

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How To Change the Perception of L&D? Part 2 Of A 3-Part Series

In the first post of this series, I explained how the “language of business” isn’t really about the terms we use as learning and development (L&D) leaders. Rather it’s a failure of education, both for ourselves and others. We have not educated ourselves on how we impact our organizations and we have not educated our

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