eParamus Blog

Can You Create Measurable Training?

Can you create measurable training? Yes. In fact, you want measurable training especially if you need to know training ROI. Measurable training and ROI go hand in hand. So what is measurable training? Measurable training is standardized training that is repeatable. You can measure the impact of this training on your employees and organization. How

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Training Impact — Is It About Isolating the Effect of Training?

“Isolating the impact of training programs is nearly impossible, as well as counterproductive.” That statement was a true/false item in a quiz presented by the Kirkpatrick Partners. Yep, those Kirkpatricks, the ones responsible for Kirkpatrick’s Model. Of respondents, 73% marked this statement as false. However, Kirkpatrick Partners and the other 27% of respondents say this

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Training ROI Is A Struggle But Shouldn’t Be

Do you believe training measurement is an illusion? Do you think measuring training impact is a too hard? According to a recent Chief Learning Officer web site article, many of you do. Josh Bersin lists the problems training pros have with training measurement and training ROI. These problems can be overcome. Hopefully this post will

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Training Measurement: Turning Trainers Into Business Partners

As a training pro, do coworkers see you as a business partner or an order taker? If an order taker, how can you change that? In a new study, Karen Hicks answers that question. She found that “An LTD function that is strategically aligned is perceived as a business partner and as an asset to

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Learning Analytics — Transforming Traditional Training

Typical training doesn’t work for today’s businesses. Markets move too fast. Just-in-time training is needed more than ever. Training pros must prove value with hard data. They must show results that add to the business bottom line. Learning analytics is the answer to that need. Learning Analytics Defined So what are learning analytics? Learning analytics

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Learning and Development: Business Partner or Staff Benefit?

Recently I participated in a discussion that asked an interesting question. What is the learning and development function? Is it a value-adding, revenue-generating partner to business? Or is L&D simply a nice-to-have perk for employees? It’s an intriguing question and one that training professionals wrestle with daily. In fact, many folks who contributed to the

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Sales Training — Use It to Make More and Better Sales

I checked out a Slide Share from The Brevet Group. It has some pretty scary stats about sales. Being a training pro myself, the ones that stood out to me were about sales training. 55% of the people making their living in sales don’t have the right skills to be successful Continuous training gives 50%

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Training Budget Time? 4 Ways to Get and Keep A Bigger Budget

For 2015, about 55% of CLOs expect bigger training budgets. Has your training budget grown? If you don’t want to give up those gains, follow these tips. Invest in Learning Tech to Boost Your Training Budget Chief Learning Officer magazine via IDC surveyed CLOs.  The survey asked CLOs about training budget goals. CLOs said technology

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Design Sequencing: What Non-Instructional Designers Need to Know

What is Design Sequencing? Design sequencing is an aspect of learning theory and describes the sequence of instruction. The theory is that the order and organization of learning affects the processing and retention of new information. You want to design training for maximum effectiveness and design sequencing plays a huge role. If you don’t have

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It’s Graduation Season. Do Your Training Programs Measure Up?

May and June are traditionally the times of year when newly minted graduates make their first foray into the professional workforce. Do their work expectations line up with reality? No, according to a report by Accenture. Is Formal Training a Missing Piece ? One of the biggest disconnects is an expectation of formal training. According

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