eParamus Blog

We wrote the book on ROI by Design.

In my last post, I mentioned that my book, ROI By Design—Unlock Training’s Impact Through Measurable Instructional Design, is now available from Amazon.com. The book has honestly been a labor of love and I hope that you’ll pick up a copy to read. When the idea for my business began to germinate in 2007, my

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Instructional Design

Operationalize the Kirkpatrick model using ROI by Design

If there is one learning measurement model that has stood the test of time, it has to be the Kirkpatrick model. This article touches on the concepts behind the Kirkpatrick model and how eParamus helps you measure and reach learning goals.

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rollercoaster as metaphor for tight labor market
Instructional Design

4 Ways a Tight Labor Market Empowers L&D

L&D leaders and their teams have been on a roller-coaster ride since (at least) 2008 and the Great Recession. When the economy pulls back, training and development are often the first casualties. L&D budgets and staff get cut when short-sighted companies believe learning to be a luxury. However, just like a roller coaster, once an

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Attractive businesswoman chatting to a colleague
Instructional Design

L&D Budget Planning for the New Year

The learning profession is running on a streak of optimism. In the annual survey of the Chief Learning Officer Business Intelligence Board, 57% of executives surveyed say that their spending plans for the next 12 to 18 months will increase, while another 28% say spending plans will stay the same. An article about the survey

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learning professionals meeting to discuss measuring ROI
Instructional Design

No, No, No: Measuring ROI Is Not Too Difficult

It never fails to surprise me how many of my colleagues hold on to the nonsense belief that measuring ROI is just too difficult. Far too many in our profession hold onto that notion that we simply cannot accurately determine the value of the product we provide. So let me say again: Measuring ROI is

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happy learning professionals know measurement method matters
Learning Measurement

The Measurement Method Harming Our Profession, Part 2

My previous post explained how using surveys as the main measurement method for so long harmed our profession. With surveys, our goal became keeping learners happy rather than changing their behaviors. “Effective practice” devolved into anything that would improve survey scores. This reliance eroded the professionalism of our field.

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learning professional upset over choosing wrong measurement method
Learning Measurement

The Measurement Method Harming Our Profession, Part 1

I’ve written often about the value of the learning profession. I’ve described how measurement is essential to show our value. But recently I read an article that said measuring ROI was detrimental to the learning profession. I was immediately skeptical, but soon I understood the author’s point. His argument was that the real goal of

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learning measurement can be as easy as 1-2-3
Learning Measurement

Learning Measurement: Easy as 1-2-3

Recently a colleague told me about a training conference she attended. She said there was a session on training ROI that was well attended. I asked her how the session went. She said it seemed like everyone wanted to understand learning measurement but there was no one in the group who could provide them clarity

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L and D team meeting about annual budget process
Learning Measurement

Secure Your Annual Budget with Smart Learning Program Measurement

Play office politics. Use (other people’s) data. Stroke egos. Cater to pet projects. This was the advice that I read recently in an article aimed at learning professionals trying to secure their annual budget. There were a couple helpful nuggets in the article, but it mostly focused on the political side of the budget process.

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