eParamus Blog

From Design to ROI: How to Make Learning Measurable, Part 2

In part 1, we described how programs must be designed to create behavior change. In this part, we show how to connect behavior change to metrics and then to ROI. You’ll recall this pyramid design from part 1. Connect behavior change to metrics To connect behavior change to metrics, you must find the metrics in

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From Design to ROI: How to Make Learning Measurable, Part 1

This image describes how learning ROI progresses. In part 1 of this discussion, we’ll proceed through the bottom two layers of the pyramid, which are program design and behavior change. Let’s go through the pieces and describe how each is dependent on the other. The program design is the instrument of change and it provides

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How to Ensure Your Critical Programs Succeed Every Time

Raise your hands: For how many of you is failure an option? Exactly. No one ever volunteered to fail. As a learning professional, failure can’t happen on your watch. Your critical programs are too important for that scenario to occur. Learning Professionals Facing Greater Scrutiny Like most learning professionals, you probably feel the pressure to

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Why Knowledge Plus Application is the Best Learning Program Design

As I said in my previous post, some clients come to me thinking knowledge-only learning programs are fine. As I showed in that post, there’s a huge problem with programs like that: no way to capture ROI. Without ROI, you can’t show the value of the training function in a company. You need measurement to

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Why Knowledge-Only Courses Fail Every Time and How to Fix It

Yes, we have all heard the saying that knowledge is power. But does that mean knowledge-only courses are the best path for success? Some customers tell me they want to create a course that delivers only on knowledge objectives. They believe that providing knowledge without incorporating how the knowledge should be applied works fine. They

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Why & how does accountability matter in business learning Part 3.

As I concluded in part 2 of this series, business managers and learning pros are failing to speak the same language. The common language both groups need to speak is metrics. The reason accountability is often ignored is failure to measure outcomes. These measures are the only thing that can tell us if the goals

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Why and how does accountability matter in business learning? Part 2

In part 1 of this series, we described the learning phases in an organization. Here’s how learning programs often come about. A manager notices a problem. Let’s say it’s a spike in complaints about customer service. The manager approaches the learning department and asks for customer service training. The manager then sends employees to training

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Why and how does accountability matter in business learning? Part 1.

Have you thought about how learning progresses through an organization? It occurs in four distinct phases:Examining, learning, applying, and impacting. First, the organization is examined to determine the need for learning. Second, the student learns the material. Third, the learner applies the material on the job. Finally, the learner’s new skills have (or should have)

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Real-World Example: Link Learning to Business Metrics

I’ve mentioned in several posts how learning leaders must work to become strategic partners with business. That move only occurs when you think strategically and convey learning in business terms. That mindset shift occurs when learning pros begin to link learning to business metrics. That’s a switch that moves you away from being a tactical

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What’s Ahead For Learning In 2016

Chief Learning Officer magazine polls CLOs monthly, just to see what they’re thinking. As the calendar page flipped to 2016, their most recent poll showed insight into what’s ahead for learning in 2016. Most of the takeaways are optimistic. There are no major surprises in the results. In fact, I see trends continuing that took

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