Design Sequencing: What Non-Instructional Designers Need to Know

What is Design Sequencing?

Design sequencing helps you create measureable instructional designDesign sequencing is an aspect of learning theory and describes the sequence of instruction. The theory is that the order and organization of learning affects the processing and retention of new information. You want to design training for maximum effectiveness and design sequencing plays a huge role.

If you don’t have formal instructional design training, the design sequencing concept may be new for you. The corporate training world overflows with professionals who entered the field without formal training. That may describe you. Many came into training because they were subject matter experts (SMEs) in their companies and their employer needed training created on the subject in which they were experts. Others entered the field because they were proficient in technology and could easily use the latest authoring tools. Still others came from a public education background and wanted to leave it behind for the business field.

What does Design Sequencing Have to do with Measurable Training?

So if learning theory is new for you, the Measurable Instructional Design™ (MID™) process from eParamus can help. MID includes design sequencing. The MID process creates training that is effective and measurable. This method of design ensures collaboration between the training designer and manager. It leads to training that is focused on job requirements.

With MID, trainers organize objectives that guide learners through a course in a logical sequence. This design sequencing helps learners absorb material and connect the concepts provided in it.

With the MID process, you start with the key performance metric ( KPM), determine the standards of behavior measured by the KPM, develop a goal to address the KPM, and create objectives that will reach the goal. [In our last post, we gave more details on determining the KPM.]

Powerful Steps to Powerful Training

Connecting these steps is powerful. This process produces training that can change performance. This logical progression helps the instructional designer start with a clear understanding of outputs necessary. This also makes it much easier to sequence the material in such a way to achieve the expected results.

What do you currently know about design sequencing? Is this a new term or concept for you? Please tell us in the comments. If you want know more about how MID helps measure training impact and creates effective design sequencing, contact eParamus. We’d love to help.

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