It’s Graduation Season. Do Your Training Programs Measure Up?

Group of Diverse International Students Celebrating GraduationMay and June are traditionally the times of year when newly minted graduates make their first foray into the professional workforce. Do their work expectations line up with reality? No, according to a report by Accenture.

Is Formal Training a Missing Piece ?

One of the biggest disconnects is an expectation of formal training. According to the Accenture report, 80% of new graduates expected to receive formal training after they were hired. In reality, only 48% received formal training on their first job.

Some may want to discount this attitude as part of the entitlement mindset millennials are widely believed to have. But is that really the case? Do employers share some of the blame? Since the Great Recession, training budgets have remained on the chopping block, believed to be a nonessential and easily trimmed part of operating expenses. At the same time, a mindset developed among employers that they should be able to hire someone fully trained and who lined up perfectly with their job requirements. You can likely recall many news stories in the past 3 to 5 years about employers complaining that the workforce is unprepared and their inability to fill open positions despite high unemployment.

Millennials Crave Training

However, the tide seems to be turning. Both sides—employees and employers—now seem to realize that complaints have not solved the problem. The solution may be training after all.

Employers are starting to recognize that training is necessary, not only for new graduates but for all employees. As the economy improves and hiring top recruits becomes more difficult, they understand that a strong training program is one way to rise above their competition, especially with millennials.

Employers now see that the expectation of finding employees who immediately understand their businesses and can run at 100% from day one is a pipe dream. The onus of completely preparing students for the world of work cannot fall entirely on the higher education system. Businesses must share part of that burden. Colleges and universities provide theory and foundational knowledge, but the only place to gain work experience is in the workplace.

Can Formal Training Make Recruiting Easier?

Formal training programs also provide other benefits. They help cement the relationship between the business and the employee. It’s a show of faith and trust in your new hire that you believe in their personal and career development. It’s a way to quickly communicate expectations to employees about what is expected and required on the job. It’s also a way to resonate with millennials. Your business will be viewed more favorably by young workers, making your recruitment process much easier.

What do you think? Should colleges better prepare students for work? Is finding the perfect employee possible or is training a necessity? Tell us your thoughts in the comments.Do you need to develop a formal training program for your new hires? Please contact us. We’d would be happy to help. Email or call us to discuss your needs. Call 919.882.2108. E-mail: Twitter: Facebook: Web:

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