eParamus Blog

learning professionals meeting to discuss measuring ROI
Instructional Design

No, No, No: Measuring ROI Is Not Too Difficult

It never fails to surprise me how many of my colleagues hold on to the nonsense belief that measuring ROI is just too difficult. Far too many in our profession hold onto that notion that we simply cannot accurately determine the value of the product we provide. So let me say again: Measuring ROI is

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learning professional discussing measurement strategy
Learning Measurement

Stop Wasting Time. Create a Measurement Strategy To Get The Job Done.

People are getting the message. Because that message is coming from executive business leaders, senior learning leaders, and industry agencies. Business and learning leaders are insisting on proof that learning programs are working. Consequently, they demand that learning professionals implement a measurement strategy. The Learning Profession Falls Short at Measurement Despite much talk for years

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Women discuss effective learning methods
Learning Evaluation

Evaluation Touch Points: The Key To Learning Outcomes

Evaluation serves as a GPS for the learning profession. A GPS tool constantly gathers data to accurately describe your current position. It tells you where you are and helps you navigate to where you want to be. Regular student and learning program evaluation is the only way to know that you’re delivering learning outcomes that

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two women working as partners in the learning profession
Leadership Development

What the Power of Partnership Means to Learning Professionals

Every business has an origin story. Here’s ours, which all began by learning the power of partnership. eParamus was founded a decade ago. Our goal was to provide an essential link between development programs and business impact. We started with the idea that learning programs should improve business results. Those results should be delivered in

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woman giving presentation using empirical data
Learning Evaluation

Why You Must Shift from Opinion Data to Empirical Data As Your Go-To Measurement Tool

Over the years we have discussed why surveys are a poor measurement for learning. The prime reason is because they collect self-reported data. Surveys ask participants what they think, believe, or feel about training (its content or usefulness). They provide  no evidence of actual learning gains or application. Surveys have their place in gathering the

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businesswoman addressing meeting around boardroom table
Instructional Design

What Happens When You Align Learning Strategy with Business Strategy

For eight years, Chief Learning Officer magazine has honored top L&D organizations with their LearningElite awards. They say these awards go to “organizations that employ exemplary workforce development strategies that deliver significant business results.” The process is rigorous and peer-reviewed. The ultimate winner is chosen after the top five competitors compete in a final capstone

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learning professionals need to know the importance of learning levels
Instructional Design

What You Need to Know to Run a Learning Business

To run any successful business, there are a few things that must be done.  You need to: Ensure you have a product or service that supplies a need Focus on production, distribution, and marketing Expertly manage your finances and resources To run a learning department or business, the means for success are the same.  Specifically,

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instructional designers meet to talk strategy
Instructional Design

Why Instructional Design Strategy Matters

In our blog, we focus a lot on learning objectives and evaluations because these two things connect where we are going (objectives) and how we will know when we get there (evaluations). But, in between those two stages, comes a very important element: instructional methods. After the goal and the learning objectives of a program

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Instructional Design

Learning Process or Learning Outcome—Where Do You Focus?

As a learning professional, has most of your work life been focused on the learning process or the learning outcome? If we’re honest, most of us would say much of our energy has been spent on the process. We focus more on the steps between the training request and course delivery than we do on

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two business women talking about soft skills
Instructional Design

Is It True That Soft Skills Are Harder to Define and Measure?

Easy to spot. Hard to teach. Most learning professionals understand the challenges with helping people learn soft skills. You know the type of skills I mean — those that support working with others. These skills cover areas such as communication, teamwork, and interpersonal relationships. The development of these types of skills remains a hot topic

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