eParamus Blog

adults with raised hands
Instructional Design

It’s Not About Measurement; It’s About Professionalism In Learning

Recently while presenting to a local ATD group, I asked the attendees if they felt measuring learning was an important part of professional practice. All 50 learning professionals in attendance raised their hand. Next I asked, “How many of you conduct learning measurement at your company?” Only half the attendees raised their hand. That result

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people learning at seminar
Instructional Design

Bloom’s Taxonomy Is Essential for Measurable Learning

Most learning professionals have heard of Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT), the set of three hierarchical models that classify learning objectives into levels of difficulty. The first volume of the taxonomy was published in 1956. Since that time, the three domains addressed in BT (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) have been used in both traditional education and training

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light bulbs in a row used as metaphor for impact model
Instructional Design

Brace for Impact — Why an Impact Model Must Be the Basis of Your Learning Design

For learning programs to matter, they must make an impact. What does that mean? It means that learning must make a measurable, discernible difference to an organization. Measures of perception or opinion don’t reveal the difference. Hard data and metric changes do. That’s why choosing an impact measurement model is the best choice.

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a good design team comes up with clear objectives when they begin a new learning program design
Instructional Design

Good Design Enables Good Measurement

Learning programs can be measured—but only if they are designed to be measured. It’s good design that enables measurement. So the necessary question becomes: What makes for good design?

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happy learning professionals know measurement method matters
Learning Measurement

The Measurement Method Harming Our Profession, Part 2

My previous post explained how using surveys as the main measurement method for so long harmed our profession. With surveys, our goal became keeping learners happy rather than changing their behaviors. “Effective practice” devolved into anything that would improve survey scores. This reliance eroded the professionalism of our field.

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learning professional upset over choosing wrong measurement method
Learning Measurement

The Measurement Method Harming Our Profession, Part 1

I’ve written often about the value of the learning profession. I’ve described how measurement is essential to show our value. But recently I read an article that said measuring ROI was detrimental to the learning profession. I was immediately skeptical, but soon I understood the author’s point. His argument was that the real goal of

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To Create Change In Your Organization, Do This First

I recently watched this video from Chief Learning Officer magazine. In it, Michael Nehoray, PhD, VP, Head of Global Learning and Organization Development at Mattel describes Mattel’s process for grooming leaders within the company. However, he mentions one thing rarely discussed in the professional learning and development field. He says, “You create change through a

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learning measurement can be as easy as 1-2-3
Learning Measurement

Learning Measurement: Easy as 1-2-3

Recently a colleague told me about a training conference she attended. She said there was a session on training ROI that was well attended. I asked her how the session went. She said it seemed like everyone wanted to understand learning measurement but there was no one in the group who could provide them clarity

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